In spite of the picture on the box showing different colors on the strand at the same time, you cannot control the LED’s individually, only as a whole strand.
This is the very tiny control box. The strand is powered from a USB plug and this box does the work of receiving the remote signals and adding whatever data is necessary to the power lines going down the strand. I have not broken the case open yet to see whats in there.
While there is tons of information out there about the “neopixel” type LED’s and the newer “dot star” that Adafruit sells and are amazingly wonderful there is very little information about anything similar to this. If anybody knows the type of chip or LED that they are made from I’d be interested to hear about it.
These LED’s are different than Julians as they don’t pulse all the way to off. The data pulses drop the voltage to the lights down to 1.5 volts, but not all the way to off. This potentially makes sense as it would let the little processor in the LED chip continue to operate as it’s being updated.
Here you can see the amazingly noisy USB power supply, either from the hub I was using to power this or from the controller device itself I don’t know, but it didn’t seem to bother them. You can also see the tiny blips of the control pulses coming in every 100ms or so.
Zoomed in on those a bit you can start to see the data.
There are 2 lengths of pulses. Since the on portion of the pulse is always the same length the entire duration of the data packet changes based on how many 1’s there are in it.
The short pulses, which I will call a binary 0, are approximately 5us with the bus at 1.5v and then 10us back at 5v. The actual measurements I got from the scope was 6us and 12us but they varied enough that I assume they meant to use 5 and 10us. That may have to be adjusted later if the device is very picky about the timing. The 1 binary pulse is 10us at 1.5v and 10us at 5v.
Every data packet starts with 8 “0” or short timing bits. These do not appear to change no matter what the string is displaying so I will assume they are a preamble that helps the receiver lock into the data rate. In the screen shot above you can also see the end pulse which is twice the length of the “long” or binary 1 pulse, 20us at 1.5v.
There are 32 bits in total, one byte for the preamble and 3 more bytes which obviously encode the RGB values that the LED should display. I did several captures from the various solid colors the three different intensity levels, leaving out the preamble byte: I’ve added the decimal value of the binary next to them:
RED: FULL: 0010 0110(38) 0000 0000 0000 0000
MED: 0100 1100(76) 0000 0000 0000 0000
LOW: 1001 1000(152) 0000 0000 0000 0000
GREEN: FULL: 0000 0000 0010 0110(38) 0000 0000
MED: 0000 0000 0100 1100(76) 0000 0000
LOW: 0000 0000 1001 1000(152) 0000 0000
BLUE: FULL: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0110(38)
MED: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1100(76)
LOW: 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001 1000(152)
It’s quite obvious already that the 3 bytes are RGB values. You can also see that even when on at full they don’t send just an FF. Perhaps the LED’s would overheat at full on. There is some visible PWM even when a solid color is set to full on. Or there is a limit in the controller device itself that is not capable of 255 individual levels. They are rotating that bit pattern across for dimming the LED. At this point I’m thinking that the value is actually how long to wait into the PWM cycle before turning on that LED. That would make sense, it would let a larger number actually be a dimmer display. Just for fun sampled some of the other colors as well:
ORANGE: FULL: 0011 0001(49) 0101 0000(80) 0000 0000
MED: 0110 0010(98) 1010 0000(160) 0000 0000
LOW: 1100 0100(196) 0100 0100(68) 0000 0000
YELLOW: FULL: 0010 0110(38) 0100 1100(76) 0000 0000
MED: 0100 1100(76) 1001 1000(152) 0000 0000
LOW: 1001 1000(152) 0011 0000(48) 0000 0000
CYAN: FULL: 0000 0000 1101 0010(210) 1101 0010(210)
MED: 0000 0000 1010 0100(164) 1010 0100(164)
LOW: 0000 0000 0100 1000(72) 0100 1000(72)
and now I’m wishing I hadn’t sampled those extra colors as they don’t seem to follow the same start point of PWM. Or perhaps they are just compensating for irregularities in how much the LED’s output at any given level. They won’t be the same certainly, generally red needs a much higher value than green and blue to look the same.
In any case there is enough information here to get started trying to build an Arduino controller for the thing. I’m not entirely sure how to provide the 1.5v pulse level in hardware. Will it be enough to just run the stream power supply through a resistor? Will have to calculate the power draw of the LED’s and do the math to drop the voltage to that level. Or are the LED’s in sync with this pulse and so will be off when the data starts and therefore I’ll need a different value since the load would be less. Or will it be necessary to provide a 1.5v regulator and use a transistor or mosfet to bypass it when the strip should be given the full voltage. Some experimentation will be necessary. When I’ve had a chance to play with that I’ll post again.
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